

Intelligent Risk

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PRMIA Institute Publications

High-quality white papers from risk management professionals on any matter which is of professional interest to fellow practitioners.

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PRMIA provides several comprehensive publications that are used as a part of the PRMIA exam preparation process or that highlight PRMIA standards. The links below will take you to the document selected.


Risk Management Frameworks and Practices for Operational Risk Management

Risk Management Frameworks and Practices for Operational Risk Management is a best practices guide to all elements needed for the successful implementation of an effective risk management framework and the management of operational risk. Designed to deliver a deep, practical understanding of operational risk management, risk management frameworks and measurement methodologies in financial institutions, the handbook is written by an all practitioner author team from major financial institutions around the globe.


Foundational Theories and Techniques for Risk Management

The definitive guide for any professional risk management in the financial services industry, Foundational Theories and Techniques for Risk Management: A Guide for Professional Risk Managers in Financial Services provides a complete reference for financial theory and application, financial instruments, and the financial markets.
Required reading material for candidates preparing for the PRM Designation exams.


Mathematical Foundations of Risk Measurement

Every financial risk manager should be able to assess risks and understand the core mathematics behind these risks. With nuances to the practice of financial risk management that go beyond the quantitative, Mathematical Foundations of Risk Measurement: A primer for the PRMIA Professional Risk Manager (PRM™) Designation program provides an accessible approach for individuals with little experience in quantitative financial risk management.
Required reading material for candidates preparing for the PRM Designation exams.


The Professional Risk Managers’ Handbook

The Professional Risk Managers' Handbooks are a comprehensive set of publications related to risk management theory and best practices. A reference source with contributions from 40 leading authors and the required reading material for candidates preparing for the PRM Designation exams.


Practices for Credit and Counterparty Risk Management

The Practices for Credit and Counterparty Risk Management is a best practices guide to all elements needed for the successful implementation of an effective risk management framework and the management of credit risk. Designed to deliver a deep, practical understanding of credit risk analysis and management, risk management frameworks and measurement methodologies in financial institutions, the Handbook is written by an all-practitioner author team from major financial institutions around the globe.


The Essentials of Risk Management, Third Edition

Authors Michel Crouhy, Dan Galai, Robert Mark, 2023

The Essentials of Risk Management, Third Edition, is the basic reading material for the Associate PRM Exam. Combining academic research with real-world applications, this bestselling guide provides the expert insights that has made it so popular for so many years, covering the most effective ways to measure and transfer credit risk, increase risk-management transparency, and implement an organization-wide enterprise risk management approach. In addition, it covers a wide range of new issues, including: fallout from the COVID pandemic; new emerging risks associated with digital finance; the effect of climate change on risk management; and game-changing new technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and distributed ledger technology.


Risk Management Frameworks and Practices for Market Risk & Asset Liability Management

Risk Management Frameworks and Practices for Market Risk & Asset Liability Management is a best practices guide to all elements needed for the successful implementation of an approach to managing each of these risks. Designed to deliver a deep, practical understanding of Market Risk, Liquidity Risk and Asset Liability Management in financial institutions, the Handbook is written by an all-practitioner author team from major financial institutions around the globe.


Risk Management Fundamentals

Risk Management Fundamentals: An Introduction to Risk Management in the Financial Services Industry in the 21st Century introduces risk and risk management and presents the fundamentals of risk management to promote interest in the topic for further professional development.


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