The Essentials of Risk Management, Third Edition



By Michel Crouhy, Dan Galai, Robert Mark
Published: 2023

Combining academic research with real-world applications, this bestselling guide provides the expert insights that has made it so popular for so many years, covering the most effective ways to measure and transfer credit risk, increase risk-management transparency, and implement an organization-wide enterprise risk management approach. In addition, it covers a wide range of new issues, including: fallout from the COVID pandemic; new emerging risks associated with digital finance; the effect of climate change on risk management; and game-changing new technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and distributed ledger technology.


Michel Crouhy is head of research and development at NATIXIS and the founder and president of the NATIXIS Foundation for Quantitative Research.
Dan Galai is the Abe Gray Professor of Finance and Business Administration at the School of Business Administration, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Robert Mark is the Founding Chief Executive Officer of Black Diamond Risk which provides corporate governance, risk management consulting, risk software tools, and transaction services. 

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The Essentials of Risk Management Digital Edition

The Essentials of Risk Management Digital Edition
By Michel Crouhy, Dan Galai, and Robert Mark.

The Essentials in Risk Management, Third edition, is the basic reading material for the Associate PRM Exam. Written for risk professionals and non-risk professionals alike, this easy-to-understand guide helps readers meet the increasingly insistent demand to make sophisticated assessments of their company’s risk exposure. Provides the latest methods for measuring and transferring credit risk, increase risk-management transparency, and implement an organization-wide Enterprise risk Management (ERM) approach. Additional risk management topics include, The Effect of Fintech on Risk Management, New and Emerging Operational Risks, ESG and Enterprise Risk Management, Big Data, Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
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